r14600 | translators | 2008-11-20 18:44:13 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 8 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-20 18:44:05
afrikaans  - 34 fixed by nubllett (34)
galician   - 4 fixed by Condex (4)
hungarian  - 7 fixed, 49 changed by oklmernok (17), IPG (39)
italian    - 2 fixed by lorenzodv (2)
polish     - 45 fixed by kruczek1 (45)
slovak     - 1 fixed by James (1)

r14599 | frosch | 2008-11-20 16:48:22 +0000 (Thu, 20 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix (r14598)[FS#2417]: Show again group-membership in the vehicle-lists. (Based on patch by PhilSophus)
r14598 | rubidium | 2008-11-19 23:55:34 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Feature: Action0Industries property 24 (industry suuplies default name for nearby station).

r14597 | translators | 2008-11-19 18:43:16 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) | 11 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-19 18:43:03
afrikaans  - 165 fixed, 227 changed by nubllett (156), burgerd (236)
dutch      - 2 fixed, 5 changed by Excel20 (7)
french     - 2 fixed by glx (2)
german     - 6 fixed, 2 changed by jonathan159 (2), MaSch (6)
hungarian  - 1 fixed, 20 changed by oklmernok (21)
macedonian - 90 fixed by sashozs (90)
serbian    - 560 fixed by AtzaMan (560)
slovak     - 1 fixed by James (1)
spanish    - 1 fixed by eusebio (1)

r14596 | frosch | 2008-11-19 16:53:24 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix (r14591): Missing 'return'.
r14595 | rubidium | 2008-11-19 16:17:42 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) | 3 lines

-Add: Estonian currency.
-Change: Slovenia switched to the Euro in 2007.

r14594 | rubidium | 2008-11-19 14:48:12 +0000 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2412]: trains could get their their last visited station reset when still (un)loading causing an invalid state.

r14593 | rubidium | 2008-11-18 23:58:24 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Update: remove outdated (in r14592) string.

r14592 | rubidium | 2008-11-18 23:53:37 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Feature [FS#1124]: non-destructive autofill with option to keep waiting times (PhilSophus)

r14591 | smatz | 2008-11-18 22:43:59 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2388](r14528): cached nearest town could be invalid after importing older savegame and during town generation
-Codechange: rewrite parts of code responsible for caching index of nearest town
r14590 | translators | 2008-11-18 18:45:42 +0000 (Tue, 18 Nov 2008) | 11 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-18 18:44:24
catalan    - 2 fixed by arnaullv (2)
czech      - 3 fixed by miris2009 (3)
danish     - 7 fixed by Hatsen (7)
finnish    - 6 fixed by SuomiPoika (6)
hungarian  - 41 fixed, 121 changed by oklmernok (162)
korean     - 2 fixed, 9 changed by dlunch (11)
lithuanian - 30 fixed by BlinK_ (30)
polish     - 30 fixed by coolik (30)
slovak     - 2 fixed by James (2)

r14589 | translators | 2008-11-17 18:47:18 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008) | 12 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-17 18:47:02
brazilian_portuguese - 2 fixed by tucalipe (2)
bulgarian  - 67 fixed by Ar4i (67)
czech      - 4 fixed, 4 changed by Hadez (8)
dutch      - 2 fixed by habell (2)
finnish    - 4 fixed by SuomiPoika (4)
hungarian  - 5 fixed by oklmernok (5)
indonesian - 20 fixed by dnaftali (20)
italian    - 2 fixed, 2 changed by lorenzodv (4)
russian    - 9 fixed by veZuk (1), MajestiC (8)
slovak     - 45 fixed by James (45)

r14588 | rubidium | 2008-11-17 16:15:55 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2414]: the range for kicking/banning clients is based on the maximum number of clients, not the maximum number of companies.

r14587 | michi_cc | 2008-11-17 00:41:58 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Cleanup: Fix some old comments. Bits are not bytes.
r14586 | rubidium | 2008-11-16 21:37:41 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix (r14580): missing mkdir causing make install to fail when there's no scripts directory already.

r14585 | michi_cc | 2008-11-16 20:15:37 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix (r14580): File mask for the script directory was wrong in the Win32 install script.
r14584 | glx | 2008-11-16 20:06:19 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix: reconfigure when any *.in file is changed
r14583 | translators | 2008-11-16 18:59:22 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 8 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-16 18:59:11
dutch      - 4 changed by Excel20 (4)
english_US - 7 fixed by WhiteRabbit (7)
french     - 2 fixed, 2 changed by glx (4)
persian    - 21 fixed by ali sattari (21)
portuguese - 49 fixed by joznaz (49)
spanish    - 2 fixed by eusebio (2)

r14582 | rubidium | 2008-11-16 14:17:49 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 3 lines

-Fix [FS#2392]: blank box on cost estimation of levelling a flat area.
-Fix: make levelling, raising and lowering of an area behave the same.

r14581 | rubidium | 2008-11-16 13:49:57 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix: make rail, road and canal building behave the same when overbuilding already built stretches.

r14580 | rubidium | 2008-11-16 13:05:39 +0000 (Sun, 16 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2404]: scripts directory not being copied into bundles.

r14578 | frosch | 2008-11-13 20:26:06 +0000 (Thu, 13 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix (r2389, r10811)[FS#Vikthor]: Allow capacity callbacks (15, 36) to return zero capacity.
r14577 | smatz | 2008-11-11 22:51:27 +0000 (Tue, 11 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#2403]: vehicle didn't respect its 'refit in nearest depot' order (Swallow)