# OpenWrt eMMC scatter file for UniElec U7623-02
# For use with SP Flash Tool: https://spflashtool.com/download/
# Unzip the file system file openwrt-mediatek-mt7623-unielec_u7623-02-emmc.img.gz before flashing.
# Connect the device's USB port, although it won't appear to the host yet.
# Load this scatter file into the SP Flash Tool, select 'Format All + Download'
# After pressing the 'Download' button, power on the board.
# The /dev/ttyACM0 device should appear on USB and the tool should find it.

    - config_version: V1.1.2
      platform: MT7623
      project: openwrt-mediatek-mt7623-unielec_u7623-02
      storage: EMMC
      boot_channel: MSDC_0
      block_size: 0x20000

- partition_index: SYS0
  partition_name: PRELOADER
  file_name: openwrt-mediatek-mt7623-unielec_u7623-02-preloader.bin
  is_download: true
  type: SV5_BL_BIN
  linear_start_addr: 0x0
  physical_start_addr: 0x0
  partition_size: 0x40000
  region: EMMC_BOOT_1
  storage: HW_STORAGE_EMMC
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: BOOTLOADERS
  d_type: FALSE
  reserve: 0x00

- partition_index: SYS1
  partition_name: OPENWRT
  file_name: openwrt-mediatek-mt7623-unielec_u7623-02-emmc.img
  is_download: true
  type: NORMAL_ROM
  linear_start_addr: 0x00000
  physical_start_addr: 0x00000
  partition_size: 0x4000000
  region: EMMC_USER
  storage: HW_STORAGE_EMMC
  boundary_check: true
  is_reserved: false
  operation_type: UPDATE
  d_type: FALSE
  reserve: 0x00